Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Tatted Creations

This tatted bookmark is my new favorite item to make for friends.
I found this pattern on some website which I cannot remember at this point, but the pattern is taken from page 23 in the Tatting Doilies & Edgings book published by Dover Press edited by Rita Weiss. It is an adaption from edging #1. Isn't it pretty?

Another one of the motifs I've made in the last year.
This design is taken from Tatting Patterns and Designs by
Blomqvist and Persson.

Another one of the motifs I'vade in the last year.
This design is taken from Ta Patterns and Designs by
Blomqvist and Persson.

This is my favorite motif I have made lately.
It is from Festive Snowflakes & Ornaments by Barbara Foster.
I didn't think I would like this snowflake, but when finished,
I fell in love with it. So beautiful!!

1 comment:

  1. http://www.keepandshare.com/doc/2187160/spiral-bookmark-71k?da=y&dnad=y

    bookmark pattern link (i think same one)
